28 rank

3,089,742,020 points

596,555 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Midge the Whippet    ⚔️Carnage⚔️
Jaims 28 Midge the Whippet ⚔️Carnage⚔️ 3,089,742,020 596,555
Midge the Whippet    Walking the Dog
Tuulech 230 Midge the Whippet Walking the Dog 227,575,151 72,840
Midge the Whippet    The Warriors of Old
Arvahall 4550 Midge the Whippet The Warriors of Old 37,949,654 23,408
Midge the Whippet    Walking the dogs
Korch 6471 Midge the Whippet Walking the dogs 7,331,697 8,295