11789 rank

465,509 points

368 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tenetsi    Its just a game
Cirgard 9251 tenetsi Its just a game 2,714,016 1,149
tenetsi    Thorin's Company
Brisgard 10345 tenetsi Thorin's Company 2,135,086 600
tenetsi    SWORDFISH_69
Arvahall 12096 tenetsi SWORDFISH_69 1,579,875 785
tenetsi    TheNorth
Dinegu 10091 tenetsi TheNorth 1,392,324 576
tenetsi    Peregrine
East-Nagach 10759 tenetsi Peregrine 967,000 471
tenetsi    Brians Bubble Bath
Fel Dranghyr 10722 tenetsi Brians Bubble Bath 852,827 520
tenetsi    As You Like IT
Greifental 11161 tenetsi As You Like IT 649,965 546
tenetsi    lords of war
Houndsmoor 12454 tenetsi lords of war 569,819 419
Jaims 11789 tenetsi THE CHICHESTERS 465,509 368
tenetsi    Korch Explores
Korch 11918 tenetsi Korch Explores 430,413 372
tenetsi    The Eagle Is Sleepy
Mount Killmore 13192 tenetsi The Eagle Is Sleepy 356,452 346
tenetsi    Lionhearts
Noarsil 11985 tenetsi Lionhearts 348,107 107
tenetsi    Vanguard
Langendorn 12197 tenetsi Vanguard 279,721 311
tenetsi    Rubio
Odhrorvar 12878 tenetsi Rubio 182,527 118