4120 rank

26,668,913 points

11,396 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
iguandy    The ASYLUM
Rugnir 1869 iguandy The ASYLUM 54,488,358 26,455
iguandy    Rocketown
Fel Dranghyr 3791 iguandy Rocketown 38,114,899 14,178
iguandy    Rocketown
Brisgard 4441 iguandy Rocketown 32,798,203 11,261
iguandy    Rocketown
Noarsil 3997 iguandy Rocketown 29,256,783 7,559
iguandy    Rocketown
Jaims 4120 iguandy Rocketown 26,668,913 11,396
iguandy    Australian Force
East-Nagach 4762 iguandy Australian Force 21,941,245 8,377
iguandy    Rocketown
Odhrorvar 4272 iguandy Rocketown 19,720,246 6,215
iguandy    Prestige
Greifental 5159 iguandy Prestige 17,449,265 6,299
iguandy    Rocketown
Korch 4848 iguandy Rocketown 17,430,907 4,639
iguandy    🚤The Blue Ship🚤rec
Sinerania 2799 iguandy 🚤The Blue Ship🚤rec 16,636,165 13,279
iguandy    Rocketown
Langendorn 4781 iguandy Rocketown 15,725,219 3,208
iguandy    Rocketown
Mount Killmore 5269 iguandy Rocketown 14,564,930 3,200
iguandy    The Vixen's Lair
Houndsmoor 6077 iguandy The Vixen's Lair 14,251,547 3,338
iguandy    Rocketown
Dinegu 5686 iguandy Rocketown 14,000,963 3,399
iguandy    "Tis But a Scratch"
Cirgard 5884 iguandy "Tis But a Scratch" 13,715,610 3,195
iguandy    Rocketown
Arvahall 7032 iguandy Rocketown 12,445,785 7,228