1637 rank

174,141,907 points

12,797 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
dapstccg    Terra Proles
Jaims 1637 dapstccg Terra Proles 174,141,907 12,797
dapstccg    weary rest home
Arvahall 2208 dapstccg weary rest home 152,968,274 11,442
dapstccg    The Seekers
Greifental 1929 dapstccg The Seekers 152,067,602 10,567
dapstccg    Random Guild
Fel Dranghyr 2010 dapstccg Random Guild 145,534,354 10,554
dapstccg    The Ronin
Houndsmoor 2397 dapstccg The Ronin 129,114,085 10,644