5321 rank

12,116,334 points

7,113 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
JonSquirrel    Tiger Cubs
Jaims 5321 JonSquirrel Tiger Cubs 12,116,334 7,113
JonSquirrel    The Maple Leaf
Parkog 4204 JonSquirrel The Maple Leaf 5,572,917 2,494
JonSquirrel    Green Land
Langendorn 15888 JonSquirrel Green Land 60,122 38
JonSquirrel    Family Friendly
Brisgard 19643 JonSquirrel Family Friendly 57,124 124
JonSquirrel    United empires
Cirgard 18605 JonSquirrel United empires 55,690 82
Greifental 16924 JonSquirrel WINTERFELL CASTLLE 55,192 55
Rugnir 13347 JonSquirrel 53,341 55
JonSquirrel    Retirement Timers
Dinegu 18236 JonSquirrel Retirement Timers 46,179 84
JonSquirrel    Golden Horde
Mount Killmore 18938 JonSquirrel Golden Horde 44,987 47
JonSquirrel    Black Scorpions
Sinerania 13171 JonSquirrel Black Scorpions 41,791 61
JonSquirrel    wolf pack
Houndsmoor 19814 JonSquirrel wolf pack 35,011 52
JonSquirrel    The Over 40s
Korch 18095 JonSquirrel The Over 40s 34,989 41
JonSquirrel    Happy Zagorci
Odhrorvar 17148 JonSquirrel Happy Zagorci 34,054 35
JonSquirrel    Rebellion
East-Nagach 19703 JonSquirrel Rebellion 24,430 74