16921 rank

48,663 points

182 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
grubbyone    BROTHERS IN ARMS
Brisgard 18148 grubbyone BROTHERS IN ARMS 83,686 328
grubbyone    The Last Knights
Cirgard 17257 grubbyone The Last Knights 79,705 443
grubbyone    Bethauer
Sinerania 12265 grubbyone Bethauer 58,325 304
grubbyone    House of Kindness
Dinegu 17324 grubbyone House of Kindness 54,508 274
grubbyone    just 4 now
Jaims 16921 grubbyone just 4 now 48,663 182
grubbyone    Aussie Battler
East-Nagach 18121 grubbyone Aussie Battler 39,240 166
grubbyone    Sorcerers’ Guild
Rugnir 14216 grubbyone Sorcerers’ Guild 32,883 232
grubbyone    For the fun of it
Odhrorvar 17026 grubbyone For the fun of it 28,515 170