3086 rank

52,114,331 points

8,096 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
wildsam67    Tuatha Hounds
Houndsmoor 2322 wildsam67 Tuatha Hounds 119,534,886 8,693
wildsam67    Dark Avengers
Jaims 3086 wildsam67 Dark Avengers 52,114,331 8,096
wildsam67    pilgrims
Brisgard 4054 wildsam67 pilgrims 40,734,896 7,050
wildsam67    Aussie Fusion
Korch 3677 wildsam67 Aussie Fusion 34,049,207 5,824
wildsam67    The Assassins
Greifental 4036 wildsam67 The Assassins 33,406,763 7,005
wildsam67    happy guild
Langendorn 3609 wildsam67 happy guild 32,964,518 5,990
wildsam67    long white cloud
Cirgard 4391 wildsam67 long white cloud 28,628,402 5,390
wildsam67    Born from Ashes
Mount Killmore 4119 wildsam67 Born from Ashes 26,748,140 5,162
wildsam67    Bonex Maniac
Rugnir 2704 wildsam67 Bonex Maniac 25,789,318 4,955
wildsam67    Loner
Sinerania 2551 wildsam67 Loner 19,812,580 3,133
wildsam67    Fart of the Phoenix
Parkog 2800 wildsam67 Fart of the Phoenix 19,038,397 3,103
wildsam67    THE SUPER GUILD
Dinegu 5466 wildsam67 THE SUPER GUILD 15,902,861 2,873