13261 rank

232,376 points

242 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Crowe   
Tuulech 2057 The Crowe 11,376,485 3,148
The Crowe    Lions.
Noarsil 7241 The Crowe Lions. 4,590,616 1,542
The Crowe   
Fel Dranghyr 8510 The Crowe 2,673,518 1,507
The Crowe    Sky Castle 🏰
Uceria 3135 The Crowe Sky Castle 🏰 1,965,950 913
The Crowe   
Rugnir 7063 The Crowe 1,247,592 709
The Crowe   
Odhrorvar 9257 The Crowe 1,130,972 550
The Crowe   
Houndsmoor 13445 The Crowe 359,138 301
The Crowe   
Jaims 13261 The Crowe 232,376 242
The Crowe   
Cirgard 15525 The Crowe 163,581 263