4648 rank

19,452,019 points

6,871 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Anacreon the Hard 805    OHUM
Rugnir 238 Anacreon the Hard 805 OHUM 635,260,544 93,561
Anacreon the Hard 805    Fluffy Dragons
Tuulech 781 Anacreon the Hard 805 Fluffy Dragons 49,345,621 10,042
Anacreon the Hard 805    🦖Primordial🦖
Uceria 1065 Anacreon the Hard 805 🦖Primordial🦖 21,731,948 6,847
Anacreon the Hard 805    Tradesmen
Jaims 4648 Anacreon the Hard 805 Tradesmen 19,452,019 6,871