11896 rank

448,016 points

733 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
JustTRex49    OffGrid
Langendorn 7293 JustTRex49 OffGrid 3,847,758 2,536
JustTRex49    chill
Tuulech 3864 JustTRex49 chill 1,685,813 1,700
JustTRex49    scorpios nest
Sinerania 6846 JustTRex49 scorpios nest 1,085,285 1,296
JustTRex49    DAEPD
Jaims 11896 JustTRex49 DAEPD 448,016 733
JustTRex49    The Pirate Ship
Fel Dranghyr 15937 JustTRex49 The Pirate Ship 78,706 262