16869 rank

45,111 points

147 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
snppey    rc cola
Arvahall 20196 snppey rc cola 70,189 137
snppey    snopy
Dinegu 16887 snppey snopy 59,804 108
snppey    to be or not
Parkog 12159 snppey to be or not 58,897 107
snppey    li chu
Greifental 16328 snppey li chu 53,602 116
snppey    sperlock
Tuulech 9269 snppey sperlock 49,700 94
snppey    Snopdog
Jaims 16869 snppey Snopdog 45,111 147
snppey    sabeth
Uceria 8334 snppey sabeth 38,323 130
snppey    sun seeds
Noarsil 16927 snppey sun seeds 33,215 77
snppey    gorilla
Brisgard 20774 snppey gorilla 30,850 97
snppey    light hart
East-Nagach 18515 snppey light hart 30,467 61