11929 rank

441,766 points

390 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
joel3333    Knights of the South
Arvahall 8386 joel3333 Knights of the South 6,520,437 1,555
joel3333    North Star
Sinerania 5290 joel3333 North Star 2,101,545 962
joel3333    This World Guild
Uceria 2706 joel3333 This World Guild 1,508,230 692
joel3333    Nordic Vikings huaa!
Noarsil 9259 joel3333 Nordic Vikings huaa! 1,271,059 565
joel3333    Sherwood Forest
Parkog 7073 joel3333 Sherwood Forest 813,707 546
joel3333    Golden
Korch 10935 joel3333 Golden 708,381 503
joel3333    Free Spirts
Jaims 11929 joel3333 Free Spirts 441,766 390
joel3333    Round Table Clan
Odhrorvar 11660 joel3333 Round Table Clan 372,757 363
joel3333    cherryblossom expess
Tuulech 5394 joel3333 cherryblossom expess 285,656 411
joel3333    Another Era
Rugnir 10151 joel3333 Another Era 236,355 186
joel3333    God and Croats
East-Nagach 14297 joel3333 God and Croats 213,064 347
joel3333    Friendly Guild
Dinegu 14752 joel3333 Friendly Guild 185,149 331
joel3333    Deep Purple
Langendorn 13606 joel3333 Deep Purple 160,841 255
joel3333    The Haven
Mount Killmore 19229 joel3333 The Haven 40,773 90
joel3333    North End
Brisgard 21265 joel3333 North End 32,983 78
joel3333    Sunshine
Cirgard 21166 joel3333 Sunshine 21,049 48