1574 rank

1,310,092 points

2,654 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Imhotep    Cruzados de brazos
Dunarsund 1245 Imhotep Cruzados de brazos 124,326,458 74,440
Imhotep    The Lost Cirgard
Cirgard 2705 Imhotep The Lost Cirgard 28,084,633 19,447
Imhotep    R.I.P. FOE
Langendorn 1639 Imhotep R.I.P. FOE 9,500,147 12,945
Arvahall 4350 Imhotep 7,970,251 14,695
Imhotep    Reino de Jofre
Brisgard 4774 Imhotep Reino de Jofre 5,165,081 6,975
Imhotep    Amenhotep
Greifental 5226 Imhotep Amenhotep 1,623,690 3,524
Imhotep    Mc Arras S. L.
Mount Killmore 1574 Imhotep Mc Arras S. L. 1,310,092 2,654