2313 rank

45,864,868 points

25,640 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
toshiba1975    ۩ Forces of Nature۩
Arvahall 1053 toshiba1975 ۩ Forces of Nature۩ 242,821,471 111,183
toshiba1975    MISION DE AUDACES
Cirgard 2313 toshiba1975 MISION DE AUDACES 45,864,868 25,640
toshiba1975    ⚔️ LA GRESCA ⚔️
Brisgard 2797 toshiba1975 ⚔️ LA GRESCA ⚔️ 32,409,483 16,528
toshiba1975    Orden de la Estrella
Greifental 2937 toshiba1975 Orden de la Estrella 18,086,706 6,640
toshiba1975    BMW
Jaims 3409 toshiba1975 BMW 11,474,863 7,256
toshiba1975    M.A.L.A.77
Fel Dranghyr 4319 toshiba1975 M.A.L.A.77 5,094,737 3,013