2184 rank

58,843,602 points

12,866 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
joeblack333    pausa por un tiempo
Arvahall 530 joeblack333 pausa por un tiempo 643,289,123 106,335
joeblack333    The Queen Lau
Jaims 860 joeblack333 The Queen Lau 260,355,885 46,831
joeblack333    Paussa indefinida
Cirgard 2184 joeblack333 Paussa indefinida 58,843,602 12,866
joeblack333    Pausa indefinida
East-Nagach 2268 joeblack333 Pausa indefinida 48,525,474 13,472
joeblack333    Pausa indefinida
Korch 1645 joeblack333 Pausa indefinida 35,992,306 9,418
joeblack333    Pausa indefinida
Brisgard 2921 joeblack333 Pausa indefinida 31,671,262 9,956
joeblack333    sin reglas
Mount Killmore 873 joeblack333 sin reglas 23,188,149 7,864
joeblack333    pulpoalabrasa
Fel Dranghyr 6587 joeblack333 pulpoalabrasa 495,123 626