8478 rank

86,051 points

158 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Perope46    Los Justoa
Fel Dranghyr 6005 Perope46 Los Justoa 901,457 353
Perope46    Andalus
Arvahall 7000 Perope46 Andalus 850,571 1,014
Perope46    The force is strong
Cirgard 6368 Perope46 The force is strong 782,012 394
Perope46    NAVAMURES
Brisgard 7033 Perope46 NAVAMURES 659,891 418
Perope46    Supervivientes
Dunarsund 6463 Perope46 Supervivientes 634,736 399
Perope46    Supervivientes
East-Nagach 6462 Perope46 Supervivientes 630,952 387
Perope46    Supervivientes
Greifental 6512 Perope46 Supervivientes 427,522 245
Perope46    al ataque
Houndsmoor 6922 Perope46 al ataque 316,654 244
Jaims 8478 Perope46 GUARDIANES DE LA ROS 86,051 158