7913 rank

7,630,176 points

3,586 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
jph02    spectre
Arvahall 7913 jph02 spectre 7,630,176 3,586
jph02    Nemesis
East-nagach 8066 jph02 Nemesis 3,205,404 3,076
jph02    Nemesis
Cirgard 8249 jph02 Nemesis 3,133,448 2,653
Fel Dranghyr 8144 jph02 2,538,308 6,805
Brisgard 9546 jph02 2,105,770 2,139
jph02    Family of Empereur
Dinegu 13477 jph02 Family of Empereur 163,382 143
jph02    beautor
Greifental 14263 jph02 beautor 129,974 221
Mount Killmore 16341 jph02 44,065 119
Houndsmoor 15638 jph02 43,505 232