12212 rank

1,049,151 points

805 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
sgtpifpaf    Pifpafstan
Cirgard 447 sgtpifpaf Pifpafstan 1,018,401,024 153,534
sgtpifpaf    the wolf
Walstrand 3678 sgtpifpaf the wolf 1,296,118 841
sgtpifpaf    les bidouches
Arvahall 12212 sgtpifpaf les bidouches 1,049,151 805
sgtpifpaf    Minecraft
Sinerania 8913 sgtpifpaf Minecraft 926,620 657
sgtpifpaf    breizhou1
Fel Dranghyr 9789 sgtpifpaf breizhou1 923,925 794
sgtpifpaf    Demi-Elfes
Jaims 10269 sgtpifpaf Demi-Elfes 795,655 553
sgtpifpaf    Oziris
Vingrid 7547 sgtpifpaf Oziris 632,546 648
sgtpifpaf    GUILDE EN PAIX
Tuulech 9759 sgtpifpaf GUILDE EN PAIX 616,397 640