9892 rank

2,861,044 points

3,644 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
guillo-Tlse    Seekers of the truth
Uceria 58 guillo-Tlse Seekers of the truth 1,815,232,831 511,493
guillo-Tlse    🥳La Nef des Fous🥳
Xyr 497 guillo-Tlse 🥳La Nef des Fous🥳 82,352,711 60,945
guillo-Tlse    ΔΜØŇǤ ỮŞ ඞ
Vingrid 1701 guillo-Tlse ΔΜØŇǤ ỮŞ ඞ 51,569,511 23,838
guillo-Tlse    les mauxdestes II
Walstrand 1440 guillo-Tlse les mauxdestes II 19,148,250 14,465
guillo-Tlse    Seekers of the truth
Fel Dranghyr 5992 guillo-Tlse Seekers of the truth 10,115,996 4,112
guillo-Tlse    ☠️ Seul Two ☠️
Sinerania 5934 guillo-Tlse ☠️ Seul Two ☠️ 6,138,778 7,436
guillo-Tlse    ☠️ SeulTwo ☠️
Arvahall 9892 guillo-Tlse ☠️ SeulTwo ☠️ 2,861,044 3,644
guillo-Tlse    ILE DE RE
Jaims 11014 guillo-Tlse ILE DE RE 586,514 1,424