7868 rank

2,539,493 points

3,431 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
00potag    retraite anarchiste
Korch 7868 00potag retraite anarchiste 2,539,493 3,431
00potag    The Irish Celtic
Odhrorvar 7605 00potag The Irish Celtic 2,481,033 3,287
00potag    LIBRE
Arvahall 10298 00potag LIBRE 2,224,245 3,376
00potag    La Haute Wesh ♥
East-nagach 8769 00potag La Haute Wesh ♥ 2,095,839 3,276
00potag    gaulois
Rugnir 7735 00potag gaulois 2,040,131 3,289
00potag    Sans Obligations
Cirgard 9680 00potag Sans Obligations 1,475,378 2,854
Xyr 3072 00potag LES SANS CONTRAINTES 903,828 1,750