5735 rank

10,988,313 points

2,575 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Prelav    Le Clan de l'Ours
Langendorn 5735 Prelav Le Clan de l'Ours 10,988,313 2,575
Prelav    conor
Jaims 6060 Prelav conor 10,577,074 1,902
Prelav    Go to the futur
Houndsmoor 6779 Prelav Go to the futur 5,895,419 1,902
Prelav    Terror of the guilde
Parkog 6380 Prelav Terror of the guilde 5,377,086 2,392
Prelav    Royal II
Cirgard 7769 Prelav Royal II 4,419,429 2,406
Prelav    creepern
Brisgard 8393 Prelav creepern 4,251,847 3,662