4933 rank

16,559,972 points

28,974 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Levitation    Apocalyptica
Mount Killmore 1452 Levitation Apocalyptica 209,188,741 114,847
Levitation    Apocalyptica
Greifental 2391 Levitation Apocalyptica 105,285,390 66,271
Levitation    Apocalyptica
Odhrorvar 3468 Levitation Apocalyptica 38,874,363 28,380
Levitation    Les 5 Salopards
Sinerania 3705 Levitation Les 5 Salopards 26,761,192 29,797
Levitation    Ysthére
Houndsmoor 4581 Levitation Ysthére 22,087,981 27,716
Levitation    Kiss of Death
Langendorn 4933 Levitation Kiss of Death 16,559,972 28,974