10618 rank

489,827 points

285 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
olicam    Univers 🌍
Fel Dranghyr 5821 olicam Univers 🌍 11,556,951 2,668
olicam    les guerriers (fr)
Arvahall 11801 olicam les guerriers (fr) 1,213,887 815
olicam    Sans souci pas de PB
Cirgard 10025 olicam Sans souci pas de PB 1,175,647 691
Dinegu 9749 olicam 999,287 663
olicam    Forge of Angels
Brisgard 11229 olicam Forge of Angels 932,025 688
olicam    _KAAMELOTT_
Greifental 10506 olicam _KAAMELOTT_ 761,689 580
olicam    The_Burtonians
East-nagach 10808 olicam The_Burtonians 673,321 526
Jaims 10798 olicam 598,620 314
olicam    the wilddogs
Houndsmoor 10440 olicam the wilddogs 551,887 352
olicam    La Horde
Langendorn 10618 olicam La Horde 489,827 285
olicam    MMXIV
Mount Killmore 11842 olicam MMXIV 348,284 239
olicam    Shade of Korch
Korch 11411 olicam Shade of Korch 346,278 258
olicam    Nels & Harriett
Uceria 12696 olicam Nels & Harriett 93,632 206
olicam    aventure
Sinerania 14499 olicam aventure 51,160 80
olicam    Seracoed
Parkog 14366 olicam Seracoed 47,265 61
olicam    Les Dragons D'or
Tuulech 14630 olicam Les Dragons D'or 41,587 98
olicam    Westeros
Rugnir 14965 olicam Westeros 41,461 67
Noarsil 15511 olicam 37,825 78
olicam    TheTepesClan
Qunrir 14764 olicam TheTepesClan 36,538 58
olicam    Le Terrier
Odhrorvar 15398 olicam Le Terrier 31,323 73