6071 rank

10,129,725 points

1,350 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mount Killmore 6071 Benedictin 10,129,725 1,350
Benedictin    🌟💡Des lumieres💡🌟
Parkog 6497 Benedictin 🌟💡Des lumieres💡🌟 4,980,189 687
Benedictin    Celtic libre
Odhrorvar 6864 Benedictin Celtic libre 4,331,445 314
Benedictin    Le bar des amis
Noarsil 7046 Benedictin Le bar des amis 4,046,359 310
Benedictin    Libertad
Uceria 6370 Benedictin Libertad 3,614,849 616
Benedictin    Evils and Angels
Vingrid 5139 Benedictin Evils and Angels 3,313,635 633
Benedictin    Les Klingons
Tuulech 9098 Benedictin Les Klingons 853,469 435
Benedictin    Les Klingons
Xyr 5048 Benedictin Les Klingons 270,508 206
Benedictin    Les Klingons
Sinerania 12755 Benedictin Les Klingons 126,731 142
Benedictin    LES 100
Brisgard 17552 Benedictin LES 100 58,151 31
Walstrand 7602 Benedictin 53,414 22