9132 rank

1,400,192 points

434 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
25041966    Adj. fidjiennes
Qunrir 7953 25041966 Adj. fidjiennes 1,567,549 550
25041966    the marvellous
Mount Killmore 9132 25041966 the marvellous 1,400,192 434
25041966    💥The Bank Of Hell💥
Jaims 9274 25041966 💥The Bank Of Hell💥 1,351,862 605
25041966    Les Westerosiens
Noarsil 8736 25041966 Les Westerosiens 1,231,093 693
25041966    La Légion
Langendorn 9108 25041966 La Légion 1,115,522 690
25041966    sans reproche
Walstrand 4297 25041966 sans reproche 645,316 520