9131 rank

1,436,406 points

169 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
MasterRichDicko    warriors
Langendorn 8397 MasterRichDicko warriors 1,723,333 947
MasterRichDicko    42000
Parkog 7996 MasterRichDicko 42000 1,695,422 260
MasterRichDicko    The Destroyer
Uceria 7555 MasterRichDicko The Destroyer 1,513,094 273
MasterRichDicko    THE DOORS
Cirgard 9614 MasterRichDicko THE DOORS 1,472,220 212
MasterRichDicko    Prince of peace
Mount Killmore 9131 MasterRichDicko Prince of peace 1,436,406 169
MasterRichDicko    Chenla
Greifental 10470 MasterRichDicko Chenla 803,639 141