4423 rank

22,437,407 points

5,852 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Greifental 3952 jmz1332 39,611,493 11,111
Houndsmoor 4560 jmz1332 23,603,762 9,198
jmz1332    ♥ La petite sirène ♥
Noarsil 4423 jmz1332 ♥ La petite sirène ♥ 22,437,407 5,852
jmz1332    Guild of Empire
Rugnir 5114 jmz1332 Guild of Empire 12,571,683 5,798
Arvahall 7473 jmz1332 10,239,412 5,432
jmz1332    Refuge
Tuulech 6964 jmz1332 Refuge 3,454,387 2,071