4156 rank

22,208,513 points

10,951 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
LuckyLaurent    Zéro Contrainte
Dinegu 2070 LuckyLaurent Zéro Contrainte 110,132,251 24,960
LuckyLaurent    😎Les Touristes😎
Vingrid 970 LuckyLaurent 😎Les Touristes😎 102,152,213 26,169
LuckyLaurent    king haitem
Fel Dranghyr 2400 LuckyLaurent king haitem 92,569,180 21,929
LuckyLaurent    la tranquilite
Greifental 2727 LuckyLaurent la tranquilite 72,149,872 22,860
LuckyLaurent    Marchande
Noarsil 4156 LuckyLaurent Marchande 22,208,513 10,951
LuckyLaurent    Swords and Spears
Tuulech 5686 LuckyLaurent Swords and Spears 7,930,973 4,707