3280 rank

47,898,544 points

18,800 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
wickus    MISSION TO MARS🚀
Greifental 709 wickus MISSION TO MARS🚀 591,321,588 376,382
wickus    Le Comté D'ANTRIM
Fel Dranghyr 745 wickus Le Comté D'ANTRIM 573,107,960 198,948
wickus    LES NORMANDS
Dinegu 1013 wickus LES NORMANDS 386,805,413 242,595
wickus    fontarensky
Noarsil 1448 wickus fontarensky 206,724,501 81,780
wickus    fontarensky
Rugnir 2710 wickus fontarensky 67,681,511 21,116
wickus    LA B.A.N ASPRETTO
Jaims 3531 wickus LA B.A.N ASPRETTO 48,485,420 19,771
wickus    fontarensky
Parkog 3280 wickus fontarensky 47,898,544 18,800
wickus    LA B.A.N ASPRETTO
Korch 3722 wickus LA B.A.N ASPRETTO 39,005,835 17,684
wickus    LA B.A.N ASPRETTO
Uceria 3354 wickus LA B.A.N ASPRETTO 28,084,747 15,479