2771 rank

65,480,541 points

30,530 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ikitos    TranKill Zen
Brisgard 2466 ikitos TranKill Zen 108,014,328 51,086
ikitos    KevNat
Xyr 555 ikitos KevNat 72,193,961 35,037
ikitos    Kings of Flemme😎🏖
Vingrid 1493 ikitos Kings of Flemme😎🏖 69,807,396 38,099
ikitos    AUTONOME
Houndsmoor 2961 ikitos AUTONOME 69,073,935 35,944
ikitos    Les donateurs
Parkog 2771 ikitos Les donateurs 65,480,541 30,530
ikitos    tranquillement
Langendorn 2863 ikitos tranquillement 64,688,773 31,206