9883 rank

525,402 points

1,144 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The survivor   
Brisgard 326 The survivor 1,218,731,462 228,565
The survivor   
Arvahall 367 The survivor 1,098,908,024 233,329
The survivor    a la playa
Tuulech 1504 The survivor a la playa 173,200,162 46,983
The survivor    a la playa
Rugnir 1596 The survivor a la playa 171,380,083 30,331
The survivor    a la playa
Cirgard 2634 The survivor a la playa 102,745,775 41,467
The survivor    a la playa
Mount Killmore 2442 The survivor a la playa 101,319,245 31,850
The survivor    a la playa
East-nagach 3048 The survivor a la playa 83,239,800 25,428
The survivor    a la playa
Langendorn 2648 The survivor a la playa 82,919,347 22,848
The survivor    a la playa
Uceria 2321 The survivor a la playa 62,970,125 20,685
The survivor    a la playa
Dinegu 4548 The survivor a la playa 25,904,676 15,320
The survivor    a la playa
Xyr 1467 The survivor a la playa 17,628,685 22,687
The survivor    Les Cités Libres
Fel Dranghyr 6468 The survivor Les Cités Libres 7,766,322 13,932
The survivor    a la playa
Greifental 9281 The survivor a la playa 1,506,665 2,840
The survivor   
Jaims 9888 The survivor 976,698 1,713
The survivor    a la playa
Houndsmoor 10002 The survivor a la playa 714,041 1,561
The survivor    a la playa
Noarsil 10035 The survivor a la playa 589,286 1,352
The survivor    Walkyrie
Parkog 9766 The survivor Walkyrie 574,111 1,161
The survivor    Liberti
Odhrorvar 10138 The survivor Liberti 534,613 1,271
The survivor   
Qunrir 9883 The survivor 525,402 1,144
The survivor    a la playa
Korch 10737 The survivor a la playa 501,172 1,129
The survivor    a la playa
Vingrid 7836 The survivor a la playa 496,594 1,203
The survivor    a la playa
Walstrand 4629 The survivor a la playa 484,747 1,031
The survivor    a la playa
Sinerania 10319 The survivor a la playa 457,670 1,001