3108 rank

49,376,684 points

25,363 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
helice63a    Euphoria
Jaims 3096 helice63a Euphoria 66,524,494 33,178
helice63a    Ace of Spades
Sinerania 2657 helice63a Ace of Spades 65,094,460 30,286
helice63a    DDRU
Brisgard 3478 helice63a DDRU 61,360,567 29,517
helice63a    πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Fingen
Tuulech 2825 helice63a πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Fingen 60,468,003 28,801
helice63a    les barbares
Mount Killmore 3294 helice63a les barbares 57,385,018 28,150
helice63a    Tontons-flingueurs
Korch 3185 helice63a Tontons-flingueurs 56,057,405 28,613
helice63a    les Tomahawks
Greifental 3536 helice63a les Tomahawks 52,481,344 27,042
helice63a    Mondes secondaires
Fel Dranghyr 3448 helice63a Mondes secondaires 52,058,564 25,666
helice63a    πŸˆβ€β¬› Atomic Kitten
Noarsil 3185 helice63a πŸˆβ€β¬› Atomic Kitten 51,768,822 26,005
helice63a    ragnarok
Uceria 2571 helice63a ragnarok 51,498,729 27,954
helice63a    Empire Francs
Rugnir 3108 helice63a Empire Francs 49,376,684 25,363
helice63a    La Mini COLADA
Houndsmoor 3589 helice63a La Mini COLADA 46,433,121 24,115
helice63a    anges
Xyr 1366 helice63a anges 20,563,371 14,798