5764 rank

8,122,362 points

1,671 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
thecat180    TAMAZGHA
Cirgard 6165 thecat180 TAMAZGHA 10,539,918 2,257
thecat180    Thunderfire
Arvahall 7429 thecat180 Thunderfire 10,443,559 2,876
thecat180    Kitsune
Fel Dranghyr 6010 thecat180 Kitsune 10,383,737 2,573
thecat180    paix
Houndsmoor 6093 thecat180 paix 9,212,268 2,164
thecat180    kill N.O.M
Qunrir 5497 thecat180 kill N.O.M 9,124,443 2,595
thecat180    The Twins Warriors
Korch 6035 thecat180 The Twins Warriors 8,998,341 2,238
thecat180    Asse
Rugnir 5764 thecat180 Asse 8,122,362 1,671
thecat180    Les célèstes
Mount Killmore 7219 thecat180 Les célèstes 4,881,203 1,192