11744 rank

220,666 points

122 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
torchwood1981    OLIVIA GUILDE
Dinegu 6245 torchwood1981 OLIVIA GUILDE 9,445,400 1,329
torchwood1981    La 7e compagnie
Brisgard 11286 torchwood1981 La 7e compagnie 917,320 423
torchwood1981    L'Ordre Secret
Xyr 4087 torchwood1981 L'Ordre Secret 621,051 169
torchwood1981    Pschitt
Walstrand 4380 torchwood1981 Pschitt 600,075 318
torchwood1981    EGREGORE
Noarsil 10402 torchwood1981 EGREGORE 495,034 224
torchwood1981    INFLAMMABLE.🔥
Mount Killmore 11955 torchwood1981 INFLAMMABLE.🔥 334,243 158
torchwood1981    Guilde
Vingrid 8775 torchwood1981 Guilde 301,397 154
torchwood1981    Explo en vacances
Sinerania 11744 torchwood1981 Explo en vacances 220,666 122
torchwood1981    Guild of Empire
Rugnir 11796 torchwood1981 Guild of Empire 213,299 99
torchwood1981    guilde des chats
Greifental 13141 torchwood1981 guilde des chats 209,883 114
torchwood1981    Leeloo13260
Arvahall 16265 torchwood1981 Leeloo13260 204,783 84
torchwood1981    lespoirfaitvivre
Jaims 13170 torchwood1981 lespoirfaitvivre 189,267 141
torchwood1981    Warriors of the sea
Korch 13489 torchwood1981 Warriors of the sea 122,504 64