7276 rank

2,409,470 points

1,250 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
jr81    les Cités Unies
Arvahall 63 jr81 les Cités Unies 2,811,174,695 623,662
jr81    le cathare
East-nagach 443 jr81 le cathare 1,078,447,904 220,755
jr81    terre de valinor
Cirgard 2376 jr81 terre de valinor 124,141,858 32,335
jr81    libertad
Greifental 2811 jr81 libertad 84,349,893 17,479
jr81    seul et heureux
Dinegu 3249 jr81 seul et heureux 61,445,603 18,843
jr81    valinor
Brisgard 4078 jr81 valinor 41,521,735 13,095
jr81    EA terre de liberté
Houndsmoor 3867 jr81 EA terre de liberté 37,858,004 12,524
jr81    l albigeois
Jaims 3962 jr81 l albigeois 36,256,240 10,637
jr81    the warriors
Fel Dranghyr 4275 jr81 the warriors 30,890,714 12,360
jr81    Demon Slayer
Korch 4496 jr81 Demon Slayer 23,355,919 10,989
jr81    le dragon
Langendorn 4924 jr81 le dragon 17,471,037 7,540
jr81    albigeois
Odhrorvar 5630 jr81 albigeois 9,648,726 2,837
jr81    eru iluvatar
Mount Killmore 6279 jr81 eru iluvatar 8,969,579 2,647
jr81    ERU Illuvatar
Qunrir 5656 jr81 ERU Illuvatar 8,263,661 2,661
jr81    eru iluvatar
Noarsil 6048 jr81 eru iluvatar 7,983,666 2,850
jr81    cathare
Parkog 6671 jr81 cathare 4,424,990 1,466
jr81    cathare
Rugnir 6854 jr81 cathare 3,772,303 1,390
jr81    Doux
Tuulech 7230 jr81 Doux 2,861,536 1,156
jr81    Est botte de cuir
Sinerania 7276 jr81 Est botte de cuir 2,409,470 1,250
jr81    ERU
Uceria 7995 jr81 ERU 1,161,937 932
jr81    iluvatar
Walstrand 3871 jr81 iluvatar 964,058 751
jr81    terres immortelles
Vingrid 6822 jr81 terres immortelles 913,109 667