1897 rank

123,725,416 points

144,099 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pieryves1    Firstleader
Fel Dranghyr 1391 Pieryves1 Firstleader 284,261,126 341,788
Pieryves1    💕💕Catalans & CO💕
Houndsmoor 2134 Pieryves1 💕💕Catalans & CO💕 138,611,143 164,183
Pieryves1    The New World
Sinerania 1897 Pieryves1 The New World 123,725,416 144,099
Pieryves1    Guildix
Langendorn 3670 Pieryves1 Guildix 41,051,049 6,573
Pieryves1    Genesis
Jaims 4292 Pieryves1 Genesis 29,478,500 23,476