11507 rank

244,575 points

839 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
john the big    Solidarité
Arvahall 14380 john the big Solidarité 428,153 2,302
john the big    La Bande a Renaud
Dinegu 11822 john the big La Bande a Renaud 343,532 2,160
john the big    conan
Greifental 12410 john the big conan 296,528 1,554
john the big    En Pause : )
Korch 11765 john the big En Pause : ) 292,783 1,163
john the big    thor27
Sinerania 11507 john the big thor27 244,575 839
john the big    Dream
Tuulech 11449 john the big Dream 232,205 618