5750 rank

7,290,714 points

12,382 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ShaiHulud le Cruel    🦖Téménos🦖
Walstrand 61 ShaiHulud le Cruel 🦖Téménos🦖 1,034,811,320 261,025
ShaiHulud le Cruel    🥳La Nef des Fous🥳
Xyr 1555 ShaiHulud le Cruel 🥳La Nef des Fous🥳 15,117,934 23,070
ShaiHulud le Cruel    Euphoria
Jaims 6383 ShaiHulud le Cruel Euphoria 8,712,235 15,248
ShaiHulud le Cruel    The Strawberries 🍓
Sinerania 5750 ShaiHulud le Cruel The Strawberries 🍓 7,290,714 12,382