5527 rank

9,697,374 points

3,835 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
morgan the black    ragnar 2
Tuulech 5527 morgan the black ragnar 2 9,697,374 3,835
morgan the black    normandie76
Sinerania 5424 morgan the black normandie76 8,955,724 3,526
morgan the black    👸 Les Queens 👸
Uceria 5105 morgan the black 👸 Les Queens 👸 8,844,300 3,081
morgan the black    ♥ NOTRE PAYS ♥
Houndsmoor 6293 morgan the black ♥ NOTRE PAYS ♥ 8,019,038 3,007
morgan the black    NotreGuildaNous
Noarsil 6060 morgan the black NotreGuildaNous 7,917,211 3,166
morgan the black    @noxo
Jaims 6562 morgan the black @noxo 7,877,281 3,229
morgan the black    new land
East-nagach 6980 morgan the black new land 6,721,113 2,440
morgan the black    skinworld
Korch 6828 morgan the black skinworld 5,402,156 2,569
morgan the black    Les flibustiers
Mount Killmore 7599 morgan the black Les flibustiers 3,762,077 1,676
morgan the black    Mystical Warrior
Dinegu 13040 morgan the black Mystical Warrior 186,260 311