3947 rank

45,642,719 points

2,645 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
jarodkarith    OUP'S...
Dinegu 272 jarodkarith OUP'S... 1,230,528,208 155,525
jarodkarith    Tigrou
Brisgard 3947 jarodkarith Tigrou 45,642,719 2,645
jarodkarith    the pretender
Cirgard 3830 jarodkarith the pretender 44,790,570 2,434
jarodkarith    Brothers & co
Arvahall 4614 jarodkarith Brothers & co 39,672,103 2,710
jarodkarith    baracuda
Jaims 3828 jarodkarith baracuda 39,577,980 2,756
jarodkarith    les condottieres
East-nagach 4252 jarodkarith les condottieres 36,078,103 2,984
jarodkarith    fallen
Xyr 1102 jarodkarith fallen 30,993,907 3,446
jarodkarith    ARWAN
Fel Dranghyr 4313 jarodkarith ARWAN 30,168,739 2,556
jarodkarith    Darkcrow
Mount Killmore 4370 jarodkarith Darkcrow 28,319,565 2,824
jarodkarith    @La Forge€
Korch 4213 jarodkarith @La Forge€ 27,728,804 2,707
jarodkarith    artemis
Odhrorvar 4107 jarodkarith artemis 27,103,706 2,853
jarodkarith    Quebecos
Langendorn 4367 jarodkarith Quebecos 25,268,500 2,569
jarodkarith    fallen
Noarsil 4302 jarodkarith fallen 24,179,221 2,654
jarodkarith    Guilde des voyageurs
Greifental 4763 jarodkarith Guilde des voyageurs 23,464,109 2,673
jarodkarith    Les fils du temps
Houndsmoor 4658 jarodkarith Les fils du temps 22,098,298 2,399
jarodkarith    ☠ LégioN ☠
Parkog 4415 jarodkarith ☠ LégioN ☠ 21,431,538 2,582
jarodkarith    Le Dragon Blanc
Rugnir 4339 jarodkarith Le Dragon Blanc 20,628,801 2,347
jarodkarith    Chaud les marrons!
Uceria 3905 jarodkarith Chaud les marrons! 19,404,521 2,792
jarodkarith    canonniers
Tuulech 4491 jarodkarith canonniers 18,370,954 2,353
jarodkarith    la face cachee
Sinerania 4357 jarodkarith la face cachee 18,317,590 2,564
jarodkarith    Le templier
Qunrir 4587 jarodkarith Le templier 17,364,325 2,517
jarodkarith    les apaches
Walstrand 1794 jarodkarith les apaches 13,356,859 2,410
jarodkarith    lzs artichaut
Vingrid 3377 jarodkarith lzs artichaut 13,009,028 2,551