11452 rank

900,825 points

688 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
olicam    Ma petite guilde
Fel Dranghyr 6389 olicam Ma petite guilde 7,566,537 2,188
olicam    les guerriers (fr)
Arvahall 11836 olicam les guerriers (fr) 1,191,847 815
olicam    Sans souci pas de PB
Cirgard 10154 olicam Sans souci pas de PB 1,174,487 691
Dinegu 9955 olicam LIBERTE TOTALE 988,967 663
olicam    Forge of Angels
Brisgard 11452 olicam Forge of Angels 900,825 688
olicam    _KAAMELOTT_
Greifental 10737 olicam _KAAMELOTT_ 761,689 580
olicam    The_Burtonians
East-nagach 11160 olicam The_Burtonians 662,041 526
olicam    the wilddogs
Houndsmoor 10847 olicam the wilddogs 538,207 352
olicam    La Horde
Langendorn 11047 olicam La Horde 478,037 285
olicam    MMXIV
Mount Killmore 12306 olicam MMXIV 343,684 239
olicam    Shade of Korch
Korch 11933 olicam Shade of Korch 342,138 258
olicam    Nels & Harriett
Uceria 13565 olicam Nels & Harriett 87,542 206
olicam    Seracoed
Parkog 15354 olicam Seracoed 47,265 61
olicam    aventure
Sinerania 15755 olicam aventure 45,570 80
olicam    Westeros
Rugnir 15847 olicam Westeros 41,461 67
olicam    Les Dragons D'or
Tuulech 15548 olicam Les Dragons D'or 41,207 98
olicam    TheTepesClan
Qunrir 15702 olicam TheTepesClan 36,498 58
olicam    Ravage
Noarsil 16685 olicam Ravage 34,455 78
olicam    Le Terrier
Odhrorvar 16330 olicam Le Terrier 31,323 73