1929 rank

182,283,500 points

24,879 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
adoc35    Montsègur
Arvahall 1764 adoc35 Montsègur 234,138,920 32,401
adoc35    Québec Gang
Brisgard 1929 adoc35 Québec Gang 182,283,500 24,879
adoc35    Kinky Squid 🐙
East-nagach 4951 adoc35 Kinky Squid 🐙 22,475,702 9,836
adoc35    Seekers of the truth
Fel Dranghyr 5789 adoc35 Seekers of the truth 11,811,432 5,198
adoc35    Les Saigneurs
Jaims 6278 adoc35 Les Saigneurs 9,348,189 3,239