9929 rank

1,688,674 points

1,603 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
hel59    🎭 Les Artistes 🎭
Houndsmoor 1013 hel59 🎭 Les Artistes 🎭 292,538,588 268,524
Tuulech 3140 hel59 CLUB MEDHALLA 37,474,326 43,232
hel59    The Strawberries 🍓
Sinerania 4145 hel59 The Strawberries 🍓 17,744,524 33,456
hel59    TourismGuilde
Arvahall 8882 hel59 TourismGuilde 4,385,322 1,911
hel59    Hello
Brisgard 9929 hel59 Hello 1,688,674 1,603
hel59    laplage
Cirgard 10943 hel59 laplage 842,581 1,163