6442 rank

3,340,979 points

1,093 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ancl    sans contrainte
Arvahall 6627 ancl sans contrainte 13,904,681 2,327
ancl    debutants
Greifental 7891 ancl debutants 3,547,643 910
ancl    BRAVOUR
Uceria 6442 ancl BRAVOUR 3,340,979 1,093
ancl    joie de vivre
Langendorn 9183 ancl joie de vivre 1,077,904 634
ancl    jumpeekoo
Fel Dranghyr 13990 ancl jumpeekoo 116,634 74
ancl    Trade Union ®
Cirgard 15636 ancl Trade Union ® 89,277 89
ancl    The Respect
Brisgard 17666 ancl The Respect 58,591 22
Dinegu 15668 ancl 53,282 29
East-nagach 16672 ancl 42,051 54
Houndsmoor 16460 ancl 26,367 16