Rank Name
1 Werewolf973
1 Werewolf973
2 Lucky la main froide
2 Lucky la main froide
3 pekynois
3 pekynois
4 Agamemnon1
4 Agamemnon1
5 Satyre
5 Satyre
6 Aurélien le taciturne
6 Aurélien le taciturne
7 pastriste
7 pastriste
8 Parsiffal
8 Parsiffal
9 Sophros
9 Sophros
10 Caterih
10 Caterih
11 Royal22e
11 Royal22e
12 Ryogen
12 Ryogen
13 shodan
13 shodan
14 Pantea la pillarde
14 Pantea la pillarde
15 Robert le Pervers
15 Robert le Pervers
16 Loloz34
16 Loloz34
17 RichRaoul
17 RichRaoul
18 Arminius 1er
18 Arminius 1er
19 Argus 341 le Grand
19 Argus 341 le Grand
20 walrus
20 walrus
21 Vindictus
21 Vindictus
22 Ulysses S. Grant
22 Ulysses S. Grant
23 Michel-01
23 Michel-01
24 Electre Oreste
24 Electre Oreste
25 analix276
25 analix276
26 PatrickD27530
26 PatrickD27530
27 titania66
27 titania66
28 Milano82
28 Milano82
29 dididefix2323
29 dididefix2323
30 Kirito-31
30 Kirito-31
31 lolotte 44
31 lolotte 44
32 Gallien 720 le Rouge
32 Gallien 720 le Rouge
33 eejjee
33 eejjee
34 Zénon 549 le Lion
34 Zénon 549 le Lion
35 Tomfer1931
35 Tomfer1931
36 CaptainMorgan89
36 CaptainMorgan89
37 Teddy49
37 Teddy49
38 Fred0110
38 Fred0110
39 El-Bodi
39 El-Bodi
40 Winterskarn
40 Winterskarn
41 mr kennedy
41 mr kennedy
42 Lolalilou
42 Lolalilou
43 Jessica la Bienheureuse
43 Jessica la Bienheureuse
44 Panda en colére
44 Panda en colére
45 Bédivère
45 Bédivère
46 Adelme dOtrante
46 Adelme dOtrante
47 Alexiiia
47 Alexiiia
48 Florian971
48 Florian971
49 Ralfy22
49 Ralfy22
50 krypto69
50 krypto69
51 BeNiTo3894
51 BeNiTo3894
52 Isolde59
52 Isolde59
53 Agothe
53 Agothe
54 zoulouwarrior
54 zoulouwarrior
55 Tyr56
55 Tyr56
56 Livie 584 la Rouge
56 Livie 584 la Rouge
57 Alexis 701
57 Alexis 701

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.