1520 rank

20,732,627 points

11,397 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
dupbzh    Seekers of the truth
Uceria 101 dupbzh Seekers of the truth 1,597,965,609 465,980
dupbzh    PPVR
Xyr 769 dupbzh PPVR 56,103,208 39,981
dupbzh    ΔΜØŇǤ ỮŞ ඞ
Vingrid 1901 dupbzh ΔΜØŇǤ ỮŞ ඞ 48,587,740 21,286
dupbzh    triskell
Arvahall 4742 dupbzh triskell 37,275,799 13,349
dupbzh    Seekers of the truth
Fel Dranghyr 4470 dupbzh Seekers of the truth 26,953,303 7,739
dupbzh    Ankou
Walstrand 1520 dupbzh Ankou 20,732,627 11,397