10376 rank

999,606 points

1,807 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bourchier    boubou solo
Parkog 2784 Bourchier boubou solo 71,713,190 29,737
Bourchier    alone in the city
Korch 3534 Bourchier alone in the city 45,820,525 19,172
Bourchier    toutsôlo
Brisgard 10984 Bourchier toutsôlo 1,063,589 1,949
Bourchier    tooutosolo
Dinegu 9738 Bourchier tooutosolo 1,027,165 1,783
Bourchier    TKZ IV
Arvahall 12275 Bourchier TKZ IV 1,008,420 1,716
Bourchier    toutosolo
Cirgard 10376 Bourchier toutosolo 999,606 1,807