9274 rank

1,750,389 points

225 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
MasterRichDicko    warriors
Langendorn 8133 MasterRichDicko warriors 2,027,956 965
MasterRichDicko    42000
Parkog 7719 MasterRichDicko 42000 2,009,131 278
MasterRichDicko    Prince of peace
Mount Killmore 8705 MasterRichDicko Prince of peace 1,815,830 180
MasterRichDicko    The Destroyer
Uceria 7309 MasterRichDicko The Destroyer 1,752,500 291
MasterRichDicko    THE DOORS
Cirgard 9274 MasterRichDicko THE DOORS 1,750,389 225
MasterRichDicko    Chenla
Greifental 10122 MasterRichDicko Chenla 929,045 164