7634 rank

4,531,837 points

7,094 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
the dead south   
Cirgard 7634 the dead south 4,531,837 7,094
the dead south   
Uceria 7605 the dead south 1,449,753 757
the dead south    Néron bouchcarré
Sinerania 9604 the dead south Néron bouchcarré 664,672 1,199
the dead south    Empire Celte
Odhrorvar 11137 the dead south Empire Celte 339,178 182
the dead south    Solitaires
Vingrid 9177 the dead south Solitaires 237,500 60
the dead south    Le néant moins
Arvahall 16570 the dead south Le néant moins 189,904 24