16286 rank

35,341 points

33 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
lilitahiti    games of thrones
Uceria 7853 lilitahiti games of thrones 1,253,878 2,831
lilitahiti    the big dick
Langendorn 12548 lilitahiti the big dick 173,142 209
lilitahiti    Coeur Vaillant
Qunrir 13138 lilitahiti Coeur Vaillant 86,244 54
Tuulech 14583 lilitahiti 42,981 3
Dinegu 16286 lilitahiti 35,341 33
lilitahiti    lla gerrière 2
Jaims 16854 lilitahiti lla gerrière 2 29,891 25
Xyr 8466 lilitahiti 22,883 10
Walstrand 8977 lilitahiti 22,632 30